About Me

I write...a lot. I will possibly update on here I might just go do that now. haha. well yea.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's been awhile...

I haven't been on here in forever but it is true that I have no internet at my house which totally sucks. I miss it. Anyways, school is very eh, right now. There is too much drama happening already and I am not back into the swing of things. I feel bored sitting here in my teacher's aide. I should probably do my math which I am behind on but this is better.

Update on Tempest, I am currently writing chapter 11 and the whole story is going amazing so far. I hope to be close to finishing by Christmas. I've recently met a woman who edits writer's stories and I have let her read some. She says that she thinks I have something and I hope she is right.

I plan on being a hecka lot more busy this year. I need a job. I want to do the RLC play [kinda.] I want to continue in the clubs I was in and maybe join a few new ones. Youth and Goverment is the main one I want to join.

Anyways, this was all pretty random and I doubt anyone will notice but is saved me a few minutes of boredom.

Later days, -Taylor